vAuto Inventory Management Certification Available to Any Dealer

vAuto Inventory Management Certification Available to Any Dealer

Available in vAuto Academy, Variable Management Certification enables dealers to master maximizing ROI on used vehicles.

Cox Automotive’s vAuto announced that it is making its new Variable Management Certification program available to any dealer at zero cost—regardless of whether they subscribe to a vAuto product. As the automotive industry’s first inventory management certification program, this in-depth training equips dealership personnel at all levels with the information, insights and strategies they need to maximize the return on investment on their vehicle inventory. 

Derek Hansen, vice president of operations, inventory management solutions at Cox Automotive, said, “Dealers need more than just software to thrive. The strategy that drives their decisions is equally—if not more—important. We are so committed to dealers’ success and believe so strongly that Variable Management is the best way for them to maximize returns that we are giving this training to anyone who wants to successfully navigate today’s complex automotive market.”

Evolution to Variable Management

vAuto was the first to apply data science to used vehicle inventory management in the early 2000s. vAuto’s newest inventory management philosophy, Variable Management, is informed by the most robust automotive data set and insights available.

At its core, Variable Management optimizes a vehicle’s return on investment by analyzing unique data points and recommending tailored pricing actions. This marks a significant evolution from the previously used velocity approach that heavily emphasized inventory turn and a one-size-fits-all approach. With this new philosophy came a purpose-built solution, vAuto’s ProfitTime GPS,which makes it easy for dealers to execute a Variable Management strategy.

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